Vancouver Vegan Prom

Ahhhh prom. I didn’t go to mine, but I remember my juniour semi-formal dance very well; a magical night in a crepe-paper-covered gymnasium, awkwardly slow-dancing to Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin in my poofiest skirt with my dear friend Patrick, who was my boyfriend back in the day. I remember the sweet little corsage he bought me, and how afterwards we went to a playground to take photos, even though it was night-time and everything was covered in snow.

Imagine re-living those sorts memories, but minus the high school cliques and plus a whole bunch of delicious vegan food. And imagine being able to wear whatever you want and dance however you want, without parents and Catholic school teachers to tell you any differently.

Stop imagining! If you’re in British Columbia and are free on November 5th, you need to get yourself to the Vancouver Vegan Prom. Tickets are on sale now at Nice Shoes in East Vancouver and Karmavore in New Westminster, 15$ each. (Cash only).